Precision Plus’ Solar Array Stats: CO2 Emission Saved: 15,189.97lb; Equivalent Trees Planted: 390.04; Light Bulbs Powered: 30,305.88 For a Day
Today is August 29, 2015, at approximately 12 pm. It is a cloudy day in Elkhorn, WI, with the temperature barely making it over 60°F, and 80% chance of storms. Yet, the solar array installed on Precision Plus’ rooftop, is currently generating 22.46 kW of power (of its potential 99 kW), having produced 34.8 kWh so far today. Somewhat low, if compared with the total 649.523 kWh generated August 11th, a sunny day. But it’s cloudy and it is raining.
Since the array went live on August 7, 2015, it has produced more than 10MWh of energy. All things considered (sunny and cloudy days in Elkhorn, Wisconsin) the solar array is predicted to produce about 6.5% of the power consumed by Precision Plus
The installation, under the supervision of Kettle View Renewable Energy, LLC of Random Lake, WI took about a month to complete. The video below documents its progress. The images and the video within, are courtesy of Neil Fleischhacker, Facilities Manager at Precision Plus, who was also responsible for this project.
For any questions or comments, please contact Neil Fleischhaker by phone or email.