Beloit Intermediate School Tour

Mark Beilman, Director of Education and Training at Precision Plus, recently spent some time at Cunningham Intermediate School on the second stop of the Beloit Intermediate School Tour. The first stop was Aldrich Intermediate School.

While Beilman was there, the 4th grade through 8th grade students had a chance to check out the Precision Plus career booth after lunch. He said it was a terrific opportunity for the kids to, “ask questions about what Precision Plus does, the parts we make, and the career opportunities we offer.”

Beilman added that the students were very eager to learn about, “making cool things,” and how they are used in the real world!

The Intermediate School Tour is a great way to let these younger kids know what they can do in the very near future and learn what types of classes they can take to help with their future career paths.

The event was organized by Lindsay Healles, Career Advocate for Beloit Schools. Healless says the next school visit is planned for May.



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